Introverts and Me - Sharing Introverts Personality And Myself
24 February 2019 1:09PM : I was thinking about a topic to write on again and Introvert came into my mind. It's actually a pretty great topic to write on. I used to be an introvert and had almost all of the qualities they possess in personality and behavior wise. Now I am more like an Ambivert. So let's begin, I will be doing on points about Introverts and then compare myself with it. There's this quality of Introverts of avoiding phone calls almost all the time. Whenever a call comes, they would avoid it till it rings off. Then they would text the person from where the call was coming from regarding why they called instead of calling back. This can be from friends, relatives, forget about strangers lol. I share this quality some of the times when my mood isn't good or I am doing something else important. It's not like I totally avoid calls, I pick them up but I hate picking up calls from relatives, family members like from mom, dad, uncle, grandmother etc. ...