Introverts and Me - Sharing Introverts Personality And Myself

24 February 2019 1:09PM: I was thinking about a topic to write on again and Introvert came into my mind. It's actually a pretty great topic to write on. I used to be an introvert and had almost all of the qualities they possess in personality and behavior wise. Now I am more like an Ambivert. So let's begin, I will be doing on points about Introverts and then compare myself with it.

  • There's this quality of Introverts of avoiding phone calls almost all the time. Whenever a call comes, they would avoid it till it rings off. Then they would text the person from where the call was coming from regarding why they called instead of calling back. This can be from friends, relatives, forget about strangers lol. I share this quality some of the times when my mood isn't good or I am doing something else important. It's not like I totally avoid calls, I pick them up but I hate picking up calls from relatives, family members like from mom, dad, uncle, grandmother etc. are totally okay and I would never avoid their calls if coming from my phone.
  • Other thing that happens with introverts mostly is that if they pick up the call, they would try to end the phone conversation as soon as possible. They hate talking on the phones, now I am not saying only introverts have this quality. I actually share this too. I am like how people talk for hours on phones without getting bored or out of topic. I think the longest I had been on call with a friend was for about 15 minutes. I see my friends posting up screenshots on story showing phone conversations of like 2-3 hours. I am bad at talking on phones and most introverts do. 
  • Introverts speak less. They don't talk up much. If you are in school or college, you will see your introvert mates mostly being on the phone, away from people not initiating conversations or being like a social animal. They just don't get to get on a topic to talk on or make it as a long conversation. They are mostly on themselves. However, they are very good listeners. They observe things nicely. Talking about me, I don't share this quality completely. I talk alot with my friends and I am not like quiet in front of them. As I said I am an Ambivert, I balance qualities with of both Introvert and Extrovert. 
  • They think a lot. As they don't like to have conversations or get into, they tend have thinking qualities. They are always thinking and live on their thinking world. They talk to themselves on their mind. I share this quality and I love to talk to myself to be honest. That's why I made this blog, to put up some of my thinking here so I can share it with the world. But I mostly think about things like how I can get to the next level of success. 
  • Introverts always prefer texting over calling, I have mentioned points related to it already I know. But Introverts are not good at texting also, well that's what I think. You send them a hello and get hi back. Then a little more basic starting conversation and they get out of topic, they don't have much to discuss about and always give short replies like ok, i understand, etc. They don't put much words in their conversations because they are not good at talking. I share the quality of preferring texting over calling but I think I used too.. Now I prefer talking in person more. I avoid texting now but when I do, I am not like having short conversations with few words. My replies are usually in paragraphs and well I can talk a lot in texting as my mind is full of thoughts. I can go on and go on in long paras and other person give short replies which is the reason I don't like texting now. 
  • Introverts are usually good natured, caring, loyal and true to their friends and loved ones. They will also keep your secrets nicely if you share to them. They love listening to music alot be it any genre. These are the qualities I share as well. They like watching TV Series and Movies and love giving themselves private time. They are often called as loners.
  • Introverts don't post much or update their social networking accounts like facebook, twitter, instagram rather they see what their friends and other people are doing. They mostly prefer to keep their life private instead of bragging about things. 
  • They are insecure about certain things because they are very afraid of losing them or having it to happen. It can be anything. 
  • Most introverts are great artists, they can be good at drawing, painting, music, dancing, playing some sport etc.
  • Introverts are very emotional people
and there are many other qualities Introverts possess. Also as I am an Ambivert, I have the qualities of both Introvert and Extrovert as said before. You can turn from an introvert to an extrovert by making changes in your lifestyle, personality and behavior. It all takes work and dedication!
Remember that not all Introverts possess all the qualities mentioned above, it depends on people to people. Some pay have some, and some may have the other. Still, Introverts are some really amazing people!


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