30 December 2018: I am in love with the future again (i was but more today) and thinking about the possibilities that will occur in the upcoming years. See everyone wants something to achieve in their life or want to have, see, experience etc. I will share my wishlist, the things i want to happen in my lifetime or oh boy i am immortal lol.
but the things will advance even further as the technology advances. So here we go:

- Complete Virtual Reality Gaming, we will be able to completely immerse ourselves in the virtual gaming worlds, tech like Oculus Rift, Hololens etc exists today and are in development but in the future i want tech so that we could play games, say gta san andreas or future gta lol and we would be the player ourselves in the world, like completely interacting with the game objects and when we die we would just respawn, that will be fun

- Along with Virtual Reality Gaming we will have multiplayer too so that we would be able to play with other players all over the world, total customization of character and so on

- Movies with virtual reality as well, it would be like we are experiencing the movie world itself and it feels like we are present there, that would be fun

- I love Iron Man and all the tech that has been showed in the movies and comics, in fact i took science in my 11th and 12th grade by Tony Stark's inspiration lol. Tony had his personal assistant named Jarvis helping in all day to day and other tasks i want to have a personal AI assistant too doing all things i wish it does.

- Computers so powerful that they will be able to animate things and create gaming worlds that looks life like with great framerates, that will be awesome.

- Interacting with computers and mobile devices (i know they will advance too) with our brain, tasks gets done by just thinking.

- Uploading information and other knowledge to our brain by downloading it from the internet or other sources, instant knowledge about anything by technology, we wont be needing schools anymore as we could access any info through tech.

- flying cars and other vehicles because duh ive read about that alot

- self driving vehicles already exist but i want them to be super safe, convenient and fast

- humans on mars, now thats something Elon Musk wants to do

- Colonize Mars and probably terraform it

- Advancement in medical technology, cure to all the diseases and prevention of them as well as other sickness, vaccinations to cure and prevent disease forever

- i liked Assassin'S Creed games and the things that shown like the guy would play as his ancestors in real time virtual world of that time, like we would experience past in virtual worlds and play with memories at different stages of life and of other humans

- time travel yes, in the future for real but what if we can go to past too but in way that we cannot manipulate things or change them in any way like who knows we get people travelling from future all the time and they are present in our world but only invisible and can't interact in any way, now that sounds cool

- holographic technology like in iron man movies and other sci-fi movies, projecting anything in our world, advancement in AR too like hololens, interacting with virtual objects in real worlds, technically thats hologram

- bionic objects that we can merge with our body and basically upgrading our body with tech like cyborgs

- as Elon Musk currently is trying to dig holes under LA and soon at more places in the future for hyperloop kind of transportation that sounds cool

- Space elevator

- space exploration out of our solar system, humans or cyborg humans colonizing other planets in the milky way galaxy and beyond, getting resources from celestial objects all over the galaxy and universe and using these resources from further benefits of humanity

- as we will advance in AI tech, we can make robos to go at places we humans cannot go or think of right now like seeing whats inside black hole or what really happens around it, or going deep under water or planets like jupiter, basically unfolding the mysteries around us and of the universe

- vacations on various planets and other space objects

- getting any kind of food we want instantly or by growing them or just eating simple pills that would fill out hunger or give us the feelings and taste of a particular food, anything is possible, things are possible as far as we can think of

- Dyson sphere as i love knowing about Kardashev scale, Dyson sphere basically to harness all or most of the solar energy coming from the sun but its quite a little far future thing

- super advanced dam and water harvesting systems to harness energy from water forces and movements

- in few years and wait its already developing, foldable phones as samsung promised, that will happen very soon

- suits like in iron man for flying, we would invent some suit that we can wear and fly whereever we want

- a better source of battery that lasts longer than current lithium ion batteries and give way better results

30 Dec 2018 4:45PM

- watched Elon Musk's ted interview and damn why i didn't watch that before, he mentioned about covering houses with solar roofs/panels and that's something future houses should have. So in future i guess every household person should get solar panels covered on their roofs and places and harness the solar energy to power their home needs

- skyscrapers as well ill mention, just like we imagine future cities have, very tall buildings looking so futuristic and oh boy thats amazing

- as elon made reuse-able rockets by spacex, future should have way more of these rockets for space welfare and our welfare, giant spaceships as well

- high tech robots probably having AI that does all the labor work that right now humans do and which are risky to our lives, robots will be able to do that wisely, nicely and safely.

- FREE GLOBAL HIGH SPEED INTERNET CONNECTION, gotta highlight that. Everyone living on this planet or will live in the future should have access to the internet

- more emphasis should be given on future, tech, science and things that improve our lives at school rather than utter bullsh*t. Classes on self development should be very must, to cope up with depression, anxiety, even sex related precautions, population control and stuff. Through education that mentality of humans should change that women can't do anything in the society.

30 Dec 2018: 9:00PM

- Watched one more AI video showing future eyeball and lenses tech that would add extra features to our vision like infrared vision, nightvision, taking pictures, wifi in it and so on,  maybe in a little more far future we would do AR things through our vision like inside iron man's suit, the interference we see, thats super cool

- Reading our thoughts through wearable tech that could read what we are thinking and process the information, like just thinking what's the time right now in brain and getting respond to it, super super cool

i will update more later...

Instagram: pro_raze
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