Why Americans Basically Rule the World? - Question I always ask myself!

21 February 2019 9:34 PM: This is going to be a quite different blog post and it's rather a question I ask myself alot. It's quite true that the world is mostly dominated by the people living in USA. In simple words, what I mean is that most successful innovations, startups, people, and other things are based in USA. Just a few hours ago I read that world's 8 most valuable companies are American based. Majority of the most subscribed Youtube channels are based in USA. I can talk about celebrities, singers and other artists. It makes me wonder a lot of things and most importantly being an Indian.. why? The population of USA is around 327,000,000 and India is around 1.3 billion.

I can mention a lot of examples on Americans excelling at majority of fields being in business, entertainment, sports, and other things. You know it's one of my dream and it's leaving India and settling in the United States, I will be straightforward saying that. I want to do something in life and I feel like I won't get the opportunity to do that in India, maybe I will be wrong in the future but as of present this is it. It won't be wrong saying that Americans rule the wrong at multiple fields.

I think one of the reasons behind the success is that at early stages, Americans are taught to live off on their own and basically live independently and taking life decisions by themselves. This is one of the main traits of leadership. This makes them creative and innovative. Their education system is more emphasized practically rather than theoretically and it is skill based when compared to Indian education system which is basically mugging up things.

Well there's one thing I would like to mention, yea it's true that not all big companies or famous people are American but a big chunk of them are. There have been great people from all over the world and companies.

There's so much going in my brain but I am not sure if I should put up in here. It you know just kind of amazes me thinking of all the success Americans get like majority of them, it makes me feel motivated. They think big and they get huge exposure. Some world class Universities are in USA. I wish I was doing my Bachelors there.

You know behind success of anything, there are certain aspects and it's the urge to do something big, to dream big, hard work, motivation, knowledge and much more. There are some of the ingredients required for the greater result, maybe USA provides it all. I don't know if what I am saying is even making sense or not but I just went with the flow. There's one thing for sure and it's that I want to do something big in my life...


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