How You Can Enjoy Your College Life! (Tips for a Good College Life)

21 February 2019 5:05PM: I was inspired to write this blog post after reading some answers on Quora regarding college life. I remember almost a year ago I was searching for the same thing on how I can enjoy my college life and when I will get into in or what should I keep in mind and do during my college days. Currently it's February 2019 and Semester 1 has already passed and I am half way Semester 2. Having a total of 8 semesters and my college life most probably ending in 2022 if I don't pursue for a masters degree which of course future will tell... so here are the things you must do in order to enjoy your college life to the fullest.

  • See I have read a lot that college is a stage of your life that will teach you a lot of life lessons because now you are a grown up person. You don't need guidance like you used to during your school days and it's the part of your life that can be the most unforgettable and memorable part of your life if you enjoy and make most out of it.
  • In college you go through different kind of moments and emotions, happy ones, sad ones, angry ones, heartbreaking moments, heartful like lovely, falling in love, falling out of love, angry, exciting, and so much to say here. It's life man. You make friends that can last for life time and meet some of the best people of your life. If lucky enough you may find the soul mate of your life during your college days because damn boy college is a place with a lot of happenings and it's just huge, compared to school. At least in my college which is Amity University, Noida.
  • You should explore your campus and when I explore I really mean exploring each and every department and block of your college. Now this may seem odd to some people but when you will do this, you will know what actually exists on your college and at what places, at different blocks there are different courses sections and you will get the exposure of different kind of environments and the students and faculty there. 
  • If you are the kind of person who loves to talk openly, interacting with people from different courses can help you get very much exposure and it's just great. You will learn about new things and concepts. Meeting new people is the best way to make connections obviously and this could be really beneficial for the future. These connections can turn into real long lasting friendships or maybe something even better. There are a lot of uses you know but the main thing is that you get exposure which is really important to succeed in life.
  • If your college campus provides you a huge library, make use of it. I am not saying you to spend all the time reading up books and stuff but spending some time in the library as well, you can research topics about your course and find study materials which you may not find during faculty teaching or some where else. You can also find out other interesting things to read like novels, especially fiction novels or just poetry and other literature. It's good reading you know, you can complete your projects and assignments with friends too. Library is a good place most students ignore. Make some time for it too!
  • Have good connections with the faculty because they can help you at different times, never hesitate to ask questions or if you need any kind of help. Don't argue with any faculty and make good bonds. This will benefit you in the future.
  • Participate in as much college activities as you can. As said before that there are a lot of happenings going in college you can get a lot of exposure. There are sports activities, art and craft, music, dancing, computer related and much more. You can participate and learn a lot from them. You will also meet like minded people and exchange knowledge. You can also get fame through it and probably scholarships. Don’t miss opportunity, being a volunteer is also great too.
  • If you are going to be a hosteler then trust me you will have unforgettable moments, the life in the Hostel will teach you alot. You will have a lot of fun with your room mates, make more friends, play games together, gossip, be with each other in good or bad times, You will miss your parents but hostel life is different and amazing. Watching a TV series or movie with dozens of mates all together, laughing together, cracking jokes, and yes group studying is amazing too. Some of this applies  in PG life too but as said before, Hostel life is different. I actually live in PG so don't know much about Hostel life, it's just experiences I came to know about I am sharing with you but I enjoy being in PG too. 
  • If it's your birthday and you are a hosteler then trust me you will have the most unforgettable birthday ever, it will be so crazy and fun that you will miss your hostel life a lot later in life. Try to enjoy as much as you can, enjoy each and every moment to the fullest but don't let your studies stay behind. Keep up with them as well!
  •  Always remember that your college life is limited and it will never come back once passed so make use of it to the fullest. You will regret later thinking I should have done this or that. Life is amazing you know?
  • I have mentioned before that interact with as much people as you can and increase your social circle but don't trust everyone as well. You will find a lot of good people but there will be bad ones too that will take you to the wrong path. Don't get into bad activities or you will regret later, make good friends that will push you to achieve big goals in life. 
  • You have probably heard about bunking and some say it's bad. Well I will say it's not really a bad thing, you should bunk sometimes with your friends and have fun but never risk your attendance or studies. If you are in a college like me having a minimum attendance criteria of 75% to sit in exams then man attendance is really important. You should know how to balance everything and college will teach you that!
  • I have talked about friendships a lot but didn't mention one thing and that's relationships. College is the time when you are free to date, flirt and do all kind of dating stuff.You are a grown up person now. You will fall in love, you will get in relationships, you will spend quality time with your love or maybe even experience heartbreaks. Love is a beautiful thing, you may even find the soul mate of your life in college. You may also face rejections but never feel down because this is life and everything that happens teach you some kind of lessons. 
  • Learn and research about new activities you have never done before or perhaps learn new skills. Join a club and learn from there, you will also meet new people and enhance yourself. You can learn a new sport too and participate in competitions. 
  • Take part in all kinds of fests, competitions, and similar things if you get the opportunity and time.
  • Watch a lot of movies and TV series, with or without friends. It's fun and you will have great moments. There's a lot to discover, also read novels and other fantasy books. Make use of time and remember that it's not waste of time if you enjoy it. 
This was very nice to write and there are still a lot of points that can be added but that's all for now. College is one of the best times of your life and I wish you guys the best! 


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