Talking about Philosophy, Freedom, Elon Musk, Future, Knowledge, Life & More!

It's been a while since I did a blog where I basically have a conversation. I don't know the title yet, I will just talk about anything I like.

I just spent half an hour looking at Philosophical Memes on Reddit. It's been a few week since my interest in Philosophy has sparked. It actually happened before too during the beginning of this year before college when I watched alot of videos on various Philosophical topics.

Then I got back to college and it was March when things started changing in me again, thanks to my so called friends who pissed me off so much that I literally don't care about anyone in my class anymore. I am going a little personal here but I will mention.

Something happened over a period of time and then a major event happened which made me suffer for days, and because of that I started reading alot about Stoicism and other Philosophy. I mean the Bookmarks I do on this blog now was sparked by those events. All the quotes and beautiful paragraphs.

I have realized that I don't want to be average anymore depending on people who are not good for me. It's better to be alone in solitude than to be with stupid people. This is precisely why I hate college so much now. It's useless, both the people and the education. I have been learning more from home than there. I also read some books.

And while I read those books and other stuff I read on the Internet. I realized that I really don't know a lot of things. That I am so basic in my life. I am not as different as I thought I am. I am just wasting my time on nothing. And I need to change. I want to gain more knowledge now with wisdom because it changes me and it makes me better. It tells me about the world and people and it really feels so good when you feel like you have just leveled up from the past. Progress no matter how slow it is, it matters Alot. I have this one life and I can't be so average.

Freedom and to be free is one of my main life goals now. I have decided that I most likely won't have kids in future and probably won't marry anyone unless I find someone who thinks like me. I want to live for me and do things I dreamed of. My mother says everyone says that at early age but then everyone has to do it. I want to prove her wrong. I want to prove myself right.

Society tells us to do this and to do that. Society tells us to follow the herd. People don't even do what they actually want to do anymore. They just follow other people and live miserable life.

If you ask me if I am happy right now or sad. I will say Happy. I don't even feel sad anymore like I used to. I have accepted things. And I know it will get alot better because I will make it better.

Soon I will try to read as many books as I can to gain more knowledge, and try to apply it in real life. Once my college ends and I get a job. My actual life will start. I am not afraid if I have to live alone without a partner because it's my decision. You can call me selfish because I am. I accept it. I just don't want to go through what my parents went through and still going on... And also like millions of other people.

Money buys you freedom and it is one of my main goals. Money satisfies all the basic needs for a basic life. It fulfills your needs and then comes the wants. And there are alot of things I want in life. I know I am still very young and I have not seen or experienced a lot of things. My views may change in the future. That's how I basically grow.

But I will give meaning to my life and try to make it even better than it is currently. My mind is already at peace. 

I want to spend time doing Meditation too. It is just I don't get privacy and time to do it. But when I will get them I will do it regularly. I have read a lot about it and how it changes you. It's the art of doing nothing basically. Naval Ravikant is one of my inspirations for this. I follow a lot of his quotes he posts on Twitter.

Talking about Twitter. My greatest inspiration Elon Musk made a deal to buy Twitter a few days ago but Twitter isn't making him do it currently. I actually don't want to talk about it much but when I see so many people hating on Elon I feel so sad and bad. He is so misunderstood. Media is really horrible. They don't know what he is doing for us. He is the most important person currently alive and they just hate on him which is pathetic.

Elon Musk does everything I dreamt of as a child. Going to other planets, making humanity multi-planetary, making self driving electric cars, robots, working on advancement of AI, clean energy, brain computer interface, rockets and much more. Tony Stark aka Iron Man is my favorite superhero and he is basically the real life version of him. 

When I think deeply about what he does, it blows my mind. Personally Neuralink and AI are my favorite things he is working on. I don't want to go deep about it here but just imagine connecting yourself with computers and AI. Becoming a machine yourself. The possibilities are endless. It is basically a way to achieve immortality in the future. When you will be able to transfer your consciousness and memories to a digital body which will never get sick or age. 

I feel unfortunate that I may not live up to that point of time when it happens, or I may. But seeing it happen will be the greatest day of my life. Same applies to AI reaching AGI and ASI stage. Artificial Super Intelligence is just another level of amazingness.

We will virtually create new Gods. I am optimistic that they will not destroy us but help us. And the advancement of our civilization will be so rapid then, we can't even imagine it right now.

These things are one of the reasons I don't want to put myself in a cage by marrying or having children. I just want to be free so that I can go anywhere and do anything I want.

These AI lords will help us travel to even more distinct planets and solar systems. And we will discover and invent things that we can't even think of right now.

Now just think that there are millions of people who are against it. It just hurts. But this is inevitable. This will happen and I will witness it. The future is worth to live for.

Alright I am tired of writing now, I am writing it on phone lol. Thanks for reading to whoever reads this in future. 


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