Black Lives Matter Moment of 2020 & My Point of View as an Indian (After George Floyd's Death)

Black Lives Matter Moment of 2020 & My Point of View as an Indian (After George Floyd's Death)

It's June 2020 now, 5 months have passed now and there have been so many moments recently which is just too much. I am going to give some of my personal views on this case when George Floyd was killed which sparked violent protests not only in the United States from around different parts of the world. It is for the racism black community has been facing since centuries and even till now, it is a protest for the rights and that Black Lives Matter. That they are as equal as everyone and should be treated equally and be seen as equal. The scale of this protest is so widespread not only in real life but on the Internet, well as of present I am writing this it is the most trending thing in the entire world. It has been over a week since Floyd was killed and so many protests happened, which could be peaceful but then the police came and it became very violet.

I have read a lot of tweets and seen so many things online about this and that so many people are part of this great international moment now. It may even bring a huge revolution, currently in every US state there are protests happening, on Twitter it is the most talked thing as I said and almost every huge personality is supporting this. I am an Indian and of course currently in India but honestly #BlackLivesMatter moment is the only thing I want to know and see about. Millions of people and especially Americans are raging flames against their President Donald Trump for being so racist and well, you know it. A few days ago the hacker group Anonymous came into action, leaked and exposed many people and Trump himself that he was part of some really illegal activities. Here are some tweets about that:

Anonymous Group

So you can read there that they literally did it, when I read about that and saw their video I was blown. It was like unbelievable for me that it is really happening, all while I am living and experiencing it. Its like Mr Robot's FSociety coming into life. It is no doubt now Trump is the most hated person currently living on this planet. That guy hid in a bunker for days to protect himself from the protesters in DC. But it was cleared violently by military and police, which was a violation of right itself. I read that in a tweet with videos. 

Millions of people around the world and organizations have started funds and donated to support this huge moment and hundreds of millions of dollars are donated, maybe over billions. This is such a great thing that it is something you read in the history books and now I am living it, because all this will be in history books of the future. 

But me as an Indian, well racism is everywhere and it is the harsh truth. The harsh truth is that even in my own country, there is so much racism and I literally saw it happen. In my school, I saw my friends and other students being racist towards others, I saw it happen in public, even around my family. I think in India there are things above racism like caste differences and what not. Then we are like when we go abroad people act racist towards us. At some point in time I acted racist too, but its not like we cannot change., we can and we can bring change. Everyone makes mistakes man. Yeah I definitely could not even donate a dollar to these BLM moment funds because my family is in poor condition due to the Coronavirus lockdown and Pandemic. Financial crisis again just like 2019. I still became part of it by spreading awareness and helped signing petitions, because just like George Floyd there have been millions of cases around the world and every person has the right to be heard and to get justice. 

My favorite artist Abel or The Weeknd donated $500,000 to these funds and that is just amazing, just like him there are so many artists and famous rich people who did the same and used their social media platform to raise awareness about the Black community and this moment, many companies delayed their events because of the protests and this dark time like the delay of Sony's Playstation 5 event. People have been posting total black images on their social media feeds as #BlackoutTuesday supporting BLM. There have been so many things happening recently that I can just go on and on. I low-key wish I was in America right now and witness it more nicely and actually be part of the protests and help and support people. 

This is it for now, maybe I will update more on this and try to be regular in blogging here, I say this every time and not do it but whatever. 


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