I Am Back - The World is Full of Conspiracies - Is Illuminati Real?

4 May 2019 11:26PM: Before publishing this one on my blog, I started writing this on my iPhone’s Notes app. 
It’s been months since I last posted, yeah it’s just my thing to abandon my projects after giving it
 sometime. Maybe that’s why I have never been successful even after putting a lot of effort.

Eh let’s get to the topic now (I don’t know the topic myself so), well it’s nothing special. Just me sharing
 what’s up with my brain. While writing this I am listening to X files theme song. It’s one of the most
 popular song you will get to listen, specially in Conspiracy videos. Talking about Conspiracy, I have 
read quite a lot Conspiracy facts today. Thanks to Khloe Kardashian tagging an Instagram Conspiracy
 fact account. You know the world is really full of mystery. We are just not aware of a lot of things going
 around in and out of our surroundings. Getting to know more about The Bermuda Triangle, Illuminati, 
Rothschild Family and rumors of them having $500 trillion in wealth (but google says it’s more like
 $400 billion, do you really trust google?) and controlling almost every central bank of the world, 
owning media, politicians, businesses, celebrities and more. I would connect them more with the 
illuminati theories. People say they control the world and are responsible for every major thing that 
goes with our world.
So is the illuminati real? I have also read about the 27 club where over 60 musicians and artists died at
 the age 27 by numerous things like overdose and stuff. Other things that makes me think deep are
 dreams, why do we dream? are dreams just dreams or there’s more to that. Thinking if dreams helps
 us connect to other dimensions or universes interests me. Black holes, worm holes, dark matter, dark
 energy, ufos, aliens, time travelling, and so many things also interests me. I would never get tired 
gathering information about these things. People claiming that Bermuda Triangle maybe a portal to 
another universe or maybe there are aliens living there, maybe beneath the ocean. Area 51 is quite 
popular too. Oh and one question that comes in my brain often is that why most of the Conspiracy, 
alien things and such things you know... are related with the United States of America? Why USA is
 hub of all these crazy things? No doubt it’s also the most powerful and popular country of the world 
and have/had the greatest people ever lived. That’s make it so special right? Well I’ll say I am special
 too. Haha. There are some people claiming to have time travelled and predicted things in the future.

Will they happen? Or they really do but in other parallel universe? Is it right to think, and yes I think 
about it.. does anything we think of actually happens and actually exists but in some other parallel 
universe? A universe where Avengers exists, a universe where aliens are citizens of Earth, a
 universe where only we exist, a universe where I rule the world, a universe where you, the person
 reading this will die the next hour. Lol what did I just said. What I want to basically say is that there
 might be a possibility of every possibility that we can think of. Our imagination, anything we imagine 
actually exists. Everything is possible. When I think of these things, it makes me feel very powerful. 
I feel so glad thinking that I am one of those humans who actually think this deep and are not
wasting all their precious life. You know it feels good again, actually this is the greatest feeling I ever
 get to 
get. My mind, it thinks alot but it always stays inside, and with the help of this blog I actually get to 
share what I think. Internet is the greatest tool humanity had ever made. I don’t know anyone yet in 
my life or have met with whom I can share everything. But internet, it gives me the power to think of 
and share anything I want.

Damn, x files theme song is pretty powerful. I can write all night and share my thoughts. It’s 10:44PM
 right now, 4th of May 2019. Once I get wifi connection at my home (I shifted) I’ll get active on blogs 
pretty much. Life’s not been really good at the recent and current time but I know the future is mine,
 I get to rule it. I wanna end this now, this post was really mixed up I know. See you in another one!


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