Shameless (US) Season 3 - Review & Thoughts by PrO_RaZe

 Shameless US Season 3 - Review & Thoughts by PrO_RaZe

Originally written on 16 September 2020

I finished Season 3 of Shameless US today, this season took weeks to complete because well I had dumped the show in starting episodes because I was getting bored. I needed a break from it, I have reviewed and recapped the starting episodes already and after some time I started missing this show and the stuff I watched so I decided to continue, and it's done now. This season. And of course it was so awesome as always. I loved it, this show keeps getting better and better. 

A lot of new things I saw happening in this season like Lip completing graduation with a diploma and getting into MIT, his relationship with Mandy and Karen coming back but she, personally got what she deserved. She wasn't good for him. Fiona and Steve's relationship getting new turns because of Estefania  and her dad. Steve is screwed. Ian and Mickey's relationship and Mickey marrying a Russian then Ian leaving the town. 

Mickey has developed real feelings for Ian. I don't hate Debbie anymore, she has gotten much nicer now. Frank, I don't hate him any more. And the moment when Gallagher kids had to go to foster homes because of Frank's call to the Child Welfare. The character development was amazing in this season. I think Lip really got rid of Karen during the end as Jody and Karen moved to Arizona for Karen's healing after the accident done by Mandy which they don't REALLY know. Karen knows but she got mental problems now. Her mind works like a toddler now. Lip and Frank had a good time together during the ending episodes. 

Carl, awesome as always. Veronica and Kevin finally got a kid in process thanks to V's mother lol. This show is so good like really. I'm attached to these characters and their environment. But soon this show will come to an end too when I'll really finish it all till it is worth watching as I mentioned before in posts that according to many people it's great till Season 5. So 2 seasons to go. Every moment is worth enjoying. During the end so many things happened like what happened to Steve or Jimmy? He sent Fiona cash but I couldn't see where he is. Actually he messed up because Estefania got deported due to him not attending a call and helping her so Nando, her father comes and rest.. I hope he is living a good life. 

Will see in next season probably. Will Fiona completely move on? Haha can't wait to know. So many questions but yeah super amazing season. Loved it as always. I'm glad this show exists and these characters.  



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