What AI thinks about Education & Schools? OpenAI's GPT-3 Thoughts

What AI thinks about Education & Schools? OpenAI's GPT-3 Thoughts. I have been using Sushant Kumar's GPT-3 Thoughts or Tweets generator alot and got amazing results. Here are the responses by GPT-3 for Education and Schools. AI is getting smarter everyday and we don't even notice it much. Things are very different with AI than it was last year. You can use these thoughts as ideas you can tweet to Twitter or post to social media sites as posts or captions, feel free. So yeah, here are the thoughts:

Think of education as startup that never pauses.

Education is just sharing what you know. The more you share, the more you have.

Education is expensive, not because money is spent on teachers, but because it's spent on classrooms, books, computers, buildings, etc. You can't do it by throwing money at it, but by changing it.

The way to fix the education system, if there is one, is to come up with a different system.

Compare school to prison. It has the same function: to break you and drain every last ounce of your spirit.

The longer people go in school, the more wrong they become.

Fun fact: The system of modern education was designed around the idea that children can learn ANYTHING, if they're held to it.

People go to school and get a masters so they can pay their student loans, once their loans are paid off they no longer need a masters.

Forget everything they told you at school? So did they.

The four year university experiment has failed. Time to go back to the drawing board.

The only thing that is more dangerous than starting a college startup is not starting a college startup. And believe me, college is harder to quit than to finish.

Students shouldn’t just have their heads filled with facts and concepts, they should have their hearts filled too.

You only learn in school up to the point that the bad teachers quit/get fired. You’re then left to learn on your own.

School taught me that bureaucracy isn’t based on malicious intent, it is simply that people are morons who don’t care to do their jobs right.

If we’re going to educate our way out of problems, we would have solved them long ago.

AAEE - Ages 12-18, Amount for education, Employability 1x, Enjoyment 5x, Experiences 5x. Our school system needs to focus on this for everyone.

My teachers gave me a foundation for operating in the world, then I had to learn everything else for myself.

You don’t need to go to college to be a business person. You can throw a party and start a business; I know tons of people in Silicon Valley that did just that.

Young people should only go to college if they want to become professors.

College is great for everyone except those who go

You're going to be taking college classes at your stage of life. They should be more like games, and less like seriousness.

The goal of a teacher is not to solve problems but to present them.


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