Thoughts on Fame, Famous People, Black Lives, Changing World, Art & Stuff

 Thoughts on Fame, Famous People, Black Lives, Education, Art & Stuff - By PrO_RaZe. 

Originally written on 12 September, 2020 

I don't know, there's nothing specific to talk on today like there is so much stuff I have been focusing on. I have stopped my movie streak because I felt like I don't really need to do it everyday, as I say do things till you enjoy it then move to something else. I have been watching a lot of YouTube videos, videos on fashion mostly and art. I have been watching interviews of famous personalities, models, designers, celebs etc. and also people who are slowly growing and in future may become something big. Hypebeast, this channel has many videos of people growing through networking and fashion and just by being themselves. I obviously can't meet all these people yet so I prefer watching videos and feel their atmosphere, the way they think and talk and the information they share. 

I get to learn about their success, living, lifestyle and thoughts on various things. I am realizing how important networking really is, meeting people and getting to know them and the importance of exposure. Going to different places and events, getting recognized, photographed and being posted to media. All this counts so much. This is something I'll need to focus on in order to reach where I want to go and if you want the same, this is one of the ways.

 Make people remember your face, make people remember your name so that if they hear it somewhere or read they be like damn I know this person. If they had forgot more about you, they may search about you. I am realizing how important it is actually to have some amount of fame in the future, it will help you in so many ways. I have watched bunch of music videos from Jay-Z mainly from the 4:44 album and some of Beyonce. 

And I thought about black people, I felt bad that even in present there is so much racism and problems for them. We all are one man. I am loving black people more and more now as I am reading about their stories and getting to know about them. It feels bad that my society, my Indian society never really taught about racism over the world and the problems black people face in the current world. There is so much hatred in the world, among the people. It sucks. I wish I could change this and change the world. The world needs a lot of change. 

Change is one of the most important things. Change is needed. I have huge respect for people who break trends and the NORMAL and bring something new, something out of the box. Something that people think wtf is this but it becomes the future. I wish more people started thinking and appreciating these things, there would be so much diversity than there already is. So much innovation. This is one of the reasons why I don't like mainstream culture. Not in every aspect but most.

 Our education system needs a massive change, I'm glad Indian education is changing as per what government said but when it will actually happen, it will tell everything. I think people should think more than they speak. I think people should write what they think, express what is going on in their head with words. I will watch more interviews of amazing people, learn about them, I'll watch more art and fashion and learn about modern day culture and also past. There is so much to learn and to do. Do as much as you can. Change yourself, change the world.  


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