I am addicted to listening to music with earphones plugged in all day

 I am addicted to listening to music with earphones plugged in all day - An Experience by PrO_RaZe

On the Internet you probably have searched that what will happen if you will listen to music all day with your earphones or headphones plugged... It's still Quarantine and Coronavirus Global Pandemic and I'm at home all day, been home all day since March, 2020. I am very much sure that I'll break the Spotify record of myself from last year where I had spent like 850 hours listening to music. That was a crazy amount and it blew my mind, and it was just Spotify. I use YouTube and offline music often as well. 

But here's a thing, last year the world was normal and our life was normal. There was no pandemic and I was attending college and going to places. Now in 2020 as I've literally been on my phone averaging 10 hours per day things are really different. I have been listening to a lot of music with earphones plugged to my ears, it's not like spending 5 hours a day but basically the entire day. And I'm kind of addicted, when there is no music playing it feels kind of empty to me. I love music, I love discovering new music and just playing and playing but I think it's really harmful for my ears. Over a dozen times my phone warned me that I'm listening on a little high volume but I've been ignoring it. I already have this tinnitus problem where you hear ringing sounds constantly but I'm totally used to it and it doesn't bother me anymore.

 Many times during this Quarantine it felt like I've been listening too much and my ears just feel so tired so I stop. Whenever I feel tired I stop listening because then you don't enjoy anymore. I think I need to control this, I've been breaking my own records daily and I'll be really damn surprised when Spotify will reveal this year statistics. Today was a little different though, I've been feeling more tiredness in my left year so I didn't even listen today. It kinds of feel as I have got infection. I hope that is not true in any way lol. 

My hearing is still perfect like it always was, I hear things more nicely than my parents or brother. But of course according to everyone too much listening will damage your hearing. I don't know how true this is, for my own body. But still 2020 is doing a lot of damage in many other ways, we aren't so physical anymore and gotten more lazy. Lying or sitting on bed all day, with a phone on hand or watching TV and playing games. As a young adult I've lost connection to the outside world, I miss the normal life. 20 years of my life and my life still isn't what I suppose it should be like. I hope this tiredness in the left year gets cured by itself soon and I'll be more careful. Listening to loud music all day is definitely not cool, I usually keep it under 60% volume now. That is more ideal and that's what my own phone suggests to do. 

I still feel like playing some amazing song I love and surf off social media, and grow my accounts. I think headphones are better than earphones though because they aren't plugged inside your ear but over the ear. This year I've found some really nice music and really nice albums and music released as well. It's great, but I still feel my 2019 Spotify playlist had better collection. And damn it because of this ear pain I didn't even watch a movie today which I am supposed to on daily basis as a streak but you can't force it. You should always enjoy what you do because if not then it sucks.  This is it for now. 


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