Growing Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest Pages & Blogs is a STRUGGLE! - Talking about my Internet Pages

Growing Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest Pages & Blogs is a STRUGGLE!

I thought I was out of a good topic to write a blog post on but then I just remembered that there's one thing that I go through everyday and I should write on this. It's growing the pages that I have created over a period of time. It's growing my dream slowly and slowly and reaching millions in numbers which is really a dream for me. I won't talk about history here on how much I always wanted to have pages and blogs having millions of followers. It still is a dream for me that is yet to achieve and I work hard alot, daily but I don't see the results much.

Everyday is a struggle for me growing all these pages, especially my Instagram accounts. I have 4 main Instagram accounts that I want to grow. They are:
* purplepro_raze for the cool stuff
* pro_razegrafy for photography
* pro_razequotes for quotes
* pro_razememes for memes

So yeah I have been managing these 4 pages for quite a long time and the results? Really bad or say disappointing. I don't even have a single instagram account that has over 5000 followers and the method that I use to actually gain followers is the controversial follow/unfollow method. I use hashtags on every post but it just doesn't do much. I don't get much followers by itself but by doing these methods and I have a very poor organic reach. I have also got lots of temporary blocks on all the pages for following or unfollowing people too much. I know maybe I am doing this very wrong. But I don't want to give up and I want those 100,000+ followers on all my pages. I see many accounts on Insta having so many followers and they get it so easily but why the crap always happens to me? This makes me sad but I won't give up. Talking about the follow/unfollow method of getting followers, that's what most pages do when they start and that's what most people and other posts said to me.

Instagram has made my reach so bad that I just feel like giving up now but I have seen some Youtube videos where people say that you need like 3000-5000 followers and then your account actually blows up and your content starts getting viral. After it happens then you will grow quite nicely. I have read about so many people having a great instagram account or accounts and they are making nice money from it. I update my all 4 pages daily with hashtags and posting them on stories but none of my post gets viral or to the explore feed where I get noticed. I just pray to God sometimes that please let this happen to me because I feel like I really deserve this.

I have been running pages on Facebook since 2016 and since then managed alot of pages but currently I have only one big main page which is The Marvel Movies Club having about 170,000 likes or followers. It's my biggest page yet and it's great. There was a time when I used to get 1000s of followers everyday but now it's pretty much dead and I don't even know why. It is just stuck there. Facebook is dying slowly so I get it. Besides Marvel Page, I run 2 more Facebook page, one is for memes and one for random stuff. The post reach there is also quite dead too.

Talking about Pinterest, it's the only place where I actually got success for some time. I have 6 accounts there but now managing only 4 accounts. They are:
* PrO_RaZe Fandom having 7000+ followers
* PrO_RaZe CelebHub having 1000+ followers
* PrO_RaZe Memes having 37,500+ followers
* PrO_RaZe Wallpapers havng 13,200+ followers
rounding off gets me over 60,000+ Pinterest followers from all over the world. I won't say I am doing bad here, I mean May, June and July were the best Pinterest days of my life when I was getting too many views on my pins and to my Tech blog through the pins. I made lots of money too from there. But keeping it active in the growth is pretty hard too. Right now the growth is again at its lowest and I am not getting much blog traffic or followers from it now.

I have a dream to have tens of millions of followers on my Internet pages network but it's too far away from where I am right now and I don't know how much effort and time it will take to reach to that point.

But one thing I can really say is that it is really hard to grow these pages and have a huge following but then also maintaining it and keeping it growing. Huge respect to people running huge pages and keeping it like that! 


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