Why I started reading books? - Read as much as you can!

23 June 2019 6:22PM Sunday: Reading was an activity, especially reading books which I really didn't like to do. Earlier in life I always tried to read books but I just couldn't concentrate or like them. Even after spending hours reading on the Internet or watching videos that why reading books are really great for a person, I just couldn't do it. Yes I read on the Internet but didn't read books. It's like reading Youtube comments or small articles which aren't lengthy. Stuff like that. I always wanted to be a really successful person in life, I still want to. Money is what I desire the most and with that fame as well and a happy healthy life. That's what most people dream of right?

This entire post is about my personal experiences and thoughts, remember that.

Well there was one thing I surely knew and it's that most of the successful people who became financially successful are readers or like reading at least 2 books per month. If I talk about the person I love the most in CEOs then obviously I will choose Elon Musk. He loved reading very much since he was little and still reads a lot and gets new knowledge. This kind of inspired me, and other things that I should read too.

After really making my mind to read, I decided that if I want to develop the interest of reading books I should start with something I really like. So I picked comic books and that too of Iron Man, my most favorite fictional superhero. I want to be like him too but well If you wanna read about me talking of Iron Man then read this article, click me. So back in May I read a lot of comics on Iron Man. I read 9 different Iron Man comics. I forgot to mention, I didn't buy them but read for free online on my phone. That was really fun and after that I love Tony Stark more.

Now to progress from comics to books I decided to start with some of the best books published. I read somewhere that If you want to be rich in the future, you will have to learn about financial management. So on Quora I read some answers about that question and the book that most people suggested at top was Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki. This book is what that sparked interest in reading books for me. The book was really great and I got to know about a lot of new things.

I decided to start reading more books and it's June 23 right now, I started reading in early June and now I have read like more than 7 books. I didn't complete some of them completely. It was really amazing seeing how much knowledge I am getting. I read biography book of Elon Musk and Steve Jobs, read more books on getting rich and financial management. I also ordered my first ever novel book to read from Amazon. That was The Alchemist and seriously this is the best book I have ever read in my life so far, even though I got interest in less than a month ago. That book was really amazing. I thought that reading fictional books may be a waste of time but that wasn't true. Both fictional and non-fictional books are great for reading, you learn about things and ideas from both the types and you can apply those ideas in your real life and see the world in other way.

The main problem was that due to my family's poor financial conditions I couldn't order more books as of now, I finished reading The Alchemist in 1 day. Took me a couple of hours. I usually read on my iPhone before but it hurt my eyes when I read for too long on that. Now I miss being in Amity's Central Library. The library of my college, well was my college. I gotta get admission in my new course but that's another thing.

So yeah, reading is great and gaining knowledge is a wonderful thing you can do for your life. You never stop learning in life. There's thousands and thousands of books available to read of basically every thing you can think of. There was a fact I read and it said, when you read a book, you read the author's ideas and thoughts that may took him months or even years to collect and you read that in some few hours. Reading is a great gift for your brain. I just  don't wanna list things that every web page lists about why you should read. I rather give my experiences.

The books I read in June, 2019 are:
- How to Win Friends & Influence People
- Rich Dad Poor Dad
- The Richest Man in Babylon
- Secrets of the Millionaire Mind
- Think and Grow Rich
- Elon Musk Book by Ashlee Vance
- Steve Job's Book by Isaac
- The Alchemist

I have a great desire of being a successful person in life and I wish my dreams come true, I know reading books will play a great role in that and shaping the person I will become in the future. You are exposed to a lot of things when you read books, so read as much as you can! 


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