I Love Tony Stark So Much - My Thoughts & Feelings On Iron Man - The Best Superhero Ever?

9 May 2019 8:45PM: I Love Tony Stark So Much - My Thoughts & Feelings On Iron Man - The Best Superhero Ever?

Yeah, I am back with another post and with all my thoughts, opinions, feelings and all kind of stuff. Today I will be dedicating my love for the fictional hero Tony Stark aka Iron Man who lives in my heart and will always be!

I think the first time I've ever seen Iron Man was on TV years and years ago, in Ultimate Spider-Man cartoon series. That time I didn't know much about him. He seemed to be really cool, I don't remember nicely but it's more of year 2014-2015. Around that time. And I haven't watched any Iron Man movie that time, I wasn't even an Avengers fan. In super-heroes world Spiderman used to be my most favorite. He still comes in the list, in-fact the first ever superhero I got to knew about.

Soon enough I watched all three Iron Man movies and all the Avengers movies released by that time. Around 2016. I was so in love with the overall style and just everything about Tony Stark. He was the most perfect character for me, I was inspired and influenced. I remember watching Iron Man movies every time they showed up on TV. I probably watched Iron Man and Avengers movies a total of 100 or more and that number is for real. I would rewatch them and still don't get bored or anything. I wanted to be like Tony Stark. Now some of you reading this may think I said Tony Stark as the PERFECT character. Sure everything I have written and writing is based up on my thoughts. Tony Stark has flaws too and those flaws are what I relate to. He has ego, he is arrogant and is full of himself. This is the main reason I love him. He loves himself and that for me is one of the reasons to love him. I relate to that, I have ego too and quite alot actually. It's true and nothing needs to be hided.

Tony Stark creates his own stuff, he escaped from a cave full of terrorists by his own made suit he made by box of scraps and sh*t. Isn't that amazing? He, son of Howard Stark is a billionaire, genius, playboy and philanthropist. Sure the movies are a lot different than the comics world. It was sad to see him die in Avengers Endgame. That brought tears to me and it was the first time I got tears watching a movie.

His tech is genius, he makes super advanced suits and is a technological genius with multiple degrees in physics, engineering fields, computer science and other stuff.

He is the superhero who doesn't actually have superpowers. He creates his own shit and plans everything. He is one of the smartest hero of the marvel universe. His tech, I mean whenever I see it watching movies or reading comics, that blows my mind so much and makes me love it to infinity. Seriously I could do anything in the world to get tech and be like Tony Stark.

After watching Avengers Endgame I decided to read all the amazing comics on Iron Man and in just 3-4 days I read like 5-6 comics. Wait I check my database and tell you guys which comics I read in the past few days, yeah I was inspired by Tony Stark and have my own kind of database that has updates on my life and like everything I care about and want to rewind in the future.
So here are the Iron Man comics I read in the recent days:
1. Invincible Iron Man 2015
2. Superior Iron Man
3. Ultimate Comics Iron Man
4. Iron Man: Legacy
5. International Iron Man
6. Invincible Iron Man 2016

So yeah, a total of six comics I read all day. It was so great to know more about Tony Stark and his journey and it's not ended yet. There are still a lot of comics for me to explore and get insight on Stark. In Superior Iron Man series, Tony turned kind of evil there and compared himself to God which blew me again. He used to be called as the demon in the bottle. I like demons too, but I wanna say guys I don't have really evil thinking but I relate to Stark alot. Say crap about any hero but not about Stark. He is the perfect character for me to be.

Reading Invincible Iron Man series was great, I remember seeing his laboratory full of Iron Man suits controlled by his advanced artificial intelligence FRIDAY. She was cute and helped Stark do all kinds of stuff, I mean she even managed his entire company, the Stark Industries. That guy owns such a huge corporation too, isn't that cool? I want to have a huge company in future too!!

Stark is so rich he can do anything he wants, he is super famous and almost everyone knows about him. He is in news and talks all the time, people want to see him, meet him, be like him (I am mainly talking about his comic universe). I also want to be really famous full of wealth and that people love me. I want to do anything I want. He saves the world almost everyday and creates so many innovative things for the world. Almost every superhero in the marvel comics universe is Tony's friend. He was one of the founding member of the Avengers and was the director of SHIELD.

He even made his own AI based on himself. A digital consciousness of himself for training Riri Williams who became Iron-Heart. I am just giving information about the comics I read lol but there are just thousands of things.

Mr. Stark also gets girls, I mean that's one of my dreams too lol. Now if you have read up to this point you know why I relate to Stark so much and why I love him so much.   

There are people who hate Stark so much too, mostly jealous bad guys of the comic and MCU. I mean every successful people is hated at some point and to some extent right? But guess what. Burn!

Also Robert Downey Jr. seriously did a very great job portraying Tony Stark to the cinema. I don't think anyone will ever replace him. He is also the reason I developed love for Stark and for him as well.

Did I not tell you guys that in my 11th standard I took Physics, Chemistry, Maths with English just because I got so much influenced by Iron Man movies and by Stark? Yeah and that wasn't so cool. I was so lost in fantasy, I was quite young. See I was also always terrible in Maths and that wasn't a good decision. But whatever I learned alot in the recent years and I think myself smarter than most of the people I have met. I am smart really.

I used some of the inspiration and information I got from Iron Man comics and movies and applied them in my real life. I created my own Life database where I record and save my life memories and moments. It's the database of my life, so I could rewind and know what I did at what time. It's complicated and currently is worth about 35GB of data. I also got love for programming back years from Stark and it was great while I was learning Java, Python and C++. I always loved working on computers and even at present I do.

It's just that I lost interest in programming after a while and moved to other fields of computer. For example managing multiple social media pages and blogs. Now you can say they are my Iron Man suits I want to grow. I want to be wealthy and famous. I want everyone to know my name. Yeah I am talking about myself alot here when I should be talking about Stark but it's relate able.

Seriously, Iron Man is the greatest superhero of all time. He is the perfect combination of what I want to be. He also owns multiple building towers, bases, labs and private properties. He can even buy whatever he wants with his fortune. He is a celebrity, I would love a life like a celebrity.

The next Iron Man comic I am gonna read is Tony Stark: Iron Man which is the continuation of Invincible Iron Man series. It's sad knowing that there won't be any new Iron Man movie in the future by Marvel Studios, maybe in the future but won't be soon. Just remembered that there are Iron Man shows I am yet to watch.

I love you Tony Stark. You're the greatest!


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