What AI thinks about Donald Trump? GPT-3 Generated Thoughts (OpenAI)

What AI thinks about Donald Trump? GPT-3 Generated Thoughts (OpenAI). Using Sushant Kumar's Random Tweets or Thoughts generator, I got response on Donald Trump who is the current president of United States of America (US) and very controversial. Thought it would be cool to get thoughts from the AI haha.

Here they are, remember to not take any of them seriously and get offended please. I did this for fun only and an experiment with GPT-3.

Everyone’s advice on how to beat Trump is so terrible, they apparently think whatever they read in the news is what you say to people.

The scariest part of the Trump presidency is that his hair isn’t on fire.

If you run a large company and you disagree with Trump, consider speaking out. Trump will probably do good stuff in our name.

If you read this, don’t tell Donald Trump.

What separates Donald Trump from other leaders is that he doesn’t pretend, he just doesn’t.

#donaldtrump is great at creating attention for himself. Shouldn’t we find nontraditional channels to talk to him?

I wear a “Make America Great Again” hat so people will think I voted for Trump. It’s an ingenious trick because no one can see my face.

The day Trump officially announces his candidacy is the day I unsubscribe from all Trump news sources.

Make America smarter, not just kinder and richer. Vote Trump.

A winning strategy is dependent on loads of failure. Guess who’s good at failing? Someone must be. Trump is that someone.

Trump will get the small government he always said he deplored by hiring thousands, many of whom, at least at the beginning, will be terrible.

Trump is dangerous because he is our undeveloped animal brain made flesh.

if Trump does go bankrupt again, hopefully this time he pays more attention to it and doesn't blame it on Obama. key: emperor

Now that I think more about Trump… the less I worry about him. key: movies

Donald Trump is a trillion dollar misunderstanding.

I deleted the Trump tweet because it served its purpose and ran its course.

How real is the optimism of Trump voters when unemployment rose in states that voted for Trump?

Trump can be a great President if he knows where we are in technology. And where are we? We are in a religious war.

Trump is the sharknado of politics.

People think Donald Trump is winning because he is good at business. That’s true. But he’s also good at politics.

I’ve been reading a lot of Trump’s tweets lately. I love them. I love the craziness. I love that most of his tweets are not stuff he has to say

Everything Donald Trump says has a boomerang effect.

Donald trump will be elected president. It creates massive opportunities for smart people. If you’re in the tech community you need to fully immerse yourself in it.

If Trump wins, I am announcing and funding a legitimate campaign for California to become its own nation.

The President is just a career politician at this point. His lowest instinct is to criticize anyone he perceives as an enemy.

why do important things always sound bad when Donald Trump talks about them? e.g., space force, kelly bashing, etc.

Trump is like a child tallking about skyscrapers. Everyone agrees how tall they are but what’s inside?

Be careful of people who dislike the last godfather film. They are the same ones who dislike Donald Trump.

Trump becoming president isn’t the worst thing. Every country gets the government it deserves.

Donald trump will be influenced by his market and by his supporters and he will surprise us.

Donald Trump is like a human version of Clickhole: a site that parodies bad news sites by just being bad at news.

People hate Trump because he’s saying exactly what’s on his mind. I like him because he’s saying what’s on my mind, but on TV.

Trump is the best thing to happen to Twitter.

So excited to see Trump in action. ... Trump says he’ll make America great again! Which is honestly basically impossible, but we could create a startup that would be really successful??

I’d trust the decisions of a Trump presidency about as far as his hair is long.

Donald Trump is all carrot, no stick. But here is where he’s wrong: human beings can be controlled.

Trump finding out that his car is made in Mexico #deleteyouraccount

There is drinkable water on the sun. Trump's stupid.

America needs an entrepreneur president who looks to nature, not a combative CEO president who looks to business.

Trump won't make America great again with tunnels and walls, but he can with globalization and innovation.


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