15 January 2019 1:44PM: This thing which I am going to share is something I thought of on my own probably the first time, years and years ago. In my childhood I used to watch Doreamon cartoon show on my TV alot and the gadgets and technological possibilities show in that mostly fictional and scientifically impossible like travelling back in time. Well but the imagination of it really impressed me, a few years ago I watched Stephen Hawking's NATGEO show where it showed the way by which we can travel in the future, scientifically possible which is travelling near the speed of light and the time gets slowed down, he showed the hypothetical space ship which we can build to travel in future but he also showed a paradox which makes travelling back in time not possible.

He threw a party where he invited the people after it was over, for the people who could travel back in time. Yes it was a party he threw for those people but no one really came and there was another paradox where a guy travels back in time and kills himself but then what happens to the future himself? If he died earlier then how could he travel back in time? This really screwed up my mind lol but then we can think of anything and years ago I thought that maybe travelling back in time is really possible and we achieved that in the future, it's just that it has to follow some rules or rather not call it rules but laws to prevent those paradoxes to happen.

Maybe people from the future frequently travel back in time, maybe at my current time also but it has to follow laws like we can travel back in time with some technology but we can't make ANY KIND Of changes in the past. Like you're here but you're invisible and can't change anything like interact with the people or objects. This is something now that can be possible, travelling back in time but only as a viewer or spectator.

There was one other possibility I thought of in the past and it's that you can travel back in time but till the only time the travelling back in time invention happened. May sound confusing so I explain it with an example. Suppose humans created time travel machine in 2050 which can enable us to travel back in time but unfortunately because of nature laws and stuff, we can travel only to the time the invention happened, which is 2050 and we can't get to the time before that, like travelling in 2019 or to the dinosaur living era. Now we progress in the future and we are in year 3000, time travel is further improved but if we wanna go back in time, we can get to only 2050 and not before that but that still has that killing yourself back in time paradox or some other person so then again, you can travel back in time upto the invention happened, but you cannot change anything that happened in the past to prevent these paradoxes to happen.

One more thing I thought of and it was that you can travel back in time but when you actually travel back, you don't travel to your current universe dimension but to some other parallel universe where if you even kill yourself the old you or say your parents, you would still be alive because you are from other universe. This keeps the paradox to not occur and well something again which is possible, in my brain so and my thoughts, I think this thing I saw in Rick and Morty too but not sure but yeah, this sounds really cool.

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