I Love Tony Stark So Much - My Thoughts & Feelings On Iron Man - The Best Superhero Ever?

9 May 2019 8:45PM: I Love Tony Stark So Much - My Thoughts & Feelings On Iron Man - The Best Superhero Ever? Yeah, I am back with another post and with all my thoughts, opinions, feelings and all kind of stuff. Today I will be dedicating my love for the fictional hero Tony Stark aka Iron Man who lives in my heart and will always be! I think the first time I've ever seen Iron Man was on TV years and years ago, in Ultimate Spider-Man cartoon series. That time I didn't know much about him. He seemed to be really cool, I don't remember nicely but it's more of year 2014-2015. Around that time. And I haven't watched any Iron Man movie that time, I wasn't even an Avengers fan. In super-heroes world Spiderman used to be my most favorite. He still comes in the list, in-fact the first ever superhero I got to knew about. Soon enough I watched all three Iron Man movies and all the Avengers movies released by that time. Around 2016. I was so in love with the o...