31 December 2018 12:42PM: Just watched another video of Joe Scott "4 steps to immortality" where he discusses the future possibilities of being a simulated world of doing anything and whatever the thing we want to be in. He explains some really amazing points technologically possible in the upcoming future. Being able to live forever but forever doesn't really exist I mean the Universe is gonna die at some point too named heat death or we humans stop that too lmao, too sci-fi. So I thought a little and made a comment putting me in thoughts: well then i guess life won't be really life and that i don't know why sounds really boring, like being able to do whatever you can, where ever you can and whenever you can, it sounds like playing a game with hacks and being able to do anything in it, it actually gets boring after short span of time. Without challenges, risks and similar stuff we don't really feel going on right. I mean you can get me lol that...