
Showing posts from July, 2020

These Quotes are AI Generated - Another AI Revolution is Here!

These Quotes are AI Generated - Another AI Revolution is Here! Thanks to OpenAI and there latest creation GPT-3 which they released to some people for testing, we have seen amazing results. It can write blogs, make websites, create programs, write music, books and much more and it is more advanced than any other AI text generator we have seen. In this post I will show you some thoughts or say quotes generated through Artificial Intelligence with the help of GPT-3. Check them out!! “ Just because someone has a good idea doesn’t make him a good entrepreneur. Great execution, not ideas, are what counts. ” “ The coolness of a project has nothing to do with whether it will succeed or not. Launching something is just very cool. ” “ You don’t attract the right people with the right ad. You attract them with the right culture. ” “ If your sleep is messed up, your body will be too. ” “ As a writer, your goal is to be bad until you’re not anymore. ” “ Google will not be evil unless ...

What AI thinks about Education & Schools? OpenAI's GPT-3 Thoughts

What AI thinks about Education & Schools? OpenAI's GPT-3 Thoughts. I have been using Sushant Kumar's GPT-3 Thoughts or Tweets generator alot and got amazing results. Here are the responses by GPT-3 for Education and Schools. AI is getting smarter everyday and we don't even notice it much. Things are very different with AI than it was last year. You can use these thoughts as ideas you can tweet to Twitter or post to social media sites as posts or captions, feel free. So yeah, here are the thoughts: “ Think of education as startup that never pauses. ” “ Education is just sharing what you know. The more you share, the more you have. ” “ Education is expensive, not because money is spent on teachers, but because it's spent on classrooms, books, computers, buildings, etc. You can't do it by throwing money at it, but by changing it. ” The way to fix the education system, if there is one, is to come up with a different system. ” “ Compare school to prison. I...

What AI thinks about Kanye West? Using OpenAI's GPT-3

What AI thinks about Kanye West? Using OpenAI's GPT-3. These are the AI thoughts on Kanye West by GPT-3. I used Sushant Kumar's AI tweet generator for this which works on GPT-3 model. And if you don't know, Kanye West is one of my most favorite person. If you hate him, that's okay. Here they are: “ I don't listen to Kanye West, but I like that his music provokes strong reactions. ” “ If Kanye said "God" instead of "God dammit" in "Jesus Walks" it might be like hearing God talk. ” “ The best rapper is Kanye West. Controversial, I know. One internet. ” “ People need a father figure. Not a perfect father, just a strong father. Kanye West is a strong father figure. We’re all cuddling with Kanye right now. ” “ I think there's an amazing book to be written about Kanye West. ” “ I’ve been blessed. More humble than Kanye. ” “ Kanye for US president 2020 #onlykanye ” “ Imagine how Kanye West would describe pi. ” “ If Kan...

What AI thinks about Donald Trump? GPT-3 Generated Thoughts (OpenAI)

What AI thinks about Donald Trump? GPT-3 Generated Thoughts (OpenAI). Using Sushant Kumar's Random Tweets or Thoughts generator, I got response on Donald Trump who is the current president of United States of America (US) and very controversial. Thought it would be cool to get thoughts from the AI haha. Here they are, remember to not take any of them seriously and get offended please. I did this for fun only and an experiment with GPT-3. “ Everyone’s advice on how to beat Trump is so terrible, they apparently think whatever they read in the news is what you say to people. ” “ The scariest part of the Trump presidency is that his hair isn’t on fire. ” “ If you run a large company and you disagree with Trump, consider speaking out. Trump will probably do good stuff in our name. ” “ If you read this, don’t tell Donald Trump. ” “ What separates Donald Trump from other leaders is that he doesn’t pretend, he just doesn’t. ” “ #donaldtrump is great at creating attention for...

What AI thinks about Artificial Intelligence? OpenAI's GPT-3 Generated Thoughts

What AI thinks about Artificial Intelligence? GPT-3 Generated Thoughts. I used Sushant Kumar's thoughts or tweets generator again powered by GPT-3 and I got some nice results. I used it to generate random thoughts about AI, so it's basically AI thinking about AI. Here they are, damn it's so amazing: "The only way to build reliable AI is to reward the AI for finding bugs." “It seems naive to think that machines, even very smart ones, could have a goal at all. Can AI even understand purpose?” “Artificial Intelligence will be able to create better AI than humans. When that happens there will be nobody anybody to stop it.” “AI doesn’t kill jobs. AI performs jobs better than humans do.” “The only thing that can out-evolve natural selection is Artificial Intelligence” “Whatever AI revolution happens, I hope it leaves enough economic footing for regular people to earn a middle class income.” “Markets made us who we are; AI might someday make us who we ...

Thoughts of AI - OpenAI's GPT-3 Generated Thoughts Collection

Thoughts of AI - OpenAI's GPT-3 Generated Thoughts Collection. Hey everyone! I hope you are doing fine, I mean the Covid-19 Pandemic is still going strong at many parts of the world. So yesterday I was surfing Twitter reading tweets and I came across Elon Musk's new interview. I read about it and found that his company has released something called GPT-3 to some developers and it is damn cool. Sad I heard about it yesterday only but its never too late, it's not really late to be honest. I saw demos and tweets about it and it blew my mind. I wanted to test it but it's not publicly available yet and still in beta, but still mind blowing but luckily I came across a site that uses GPT-3's algorithm or whatever you call it. I tested and it was pretty cool, it basically generates AI thoughts and completely random, you can give it keywords too. I'm gonna put some of those thoughts here because it's cool. Some of them don't really make sense properly but it i...